7 Tips For a Super Shiny Coat
We’re SO excited about Crufts being right around the corner - there’s nothing we love more than seeing all those happy dogs performing at their very best. But behind the scenes, there’s a lot of work that goes into making a dog look its very best…great nutrition, focused training and a grooming regimen all go hand-in-hand for the best Crufts champions.
Whether your dog is a show hound or you just want them to look their very best for their play in the park, grooming plays a big part. So this week, we’ve teamed up with a couple of grooming experts to share their advice.

Stinky Beasties is a Scottish company making natural, vegan-friendly products designed to keep your dog clean and fresh-smelling without any harsh additives or fragrances. Leanne shared a couple of her top grooming tips with us:
Read the labels
If your dog has sensitive skin, don’t rely on the title of the dog shampoo. Just because it states it’s for sensitive skin, it doesn’t mean it really is - lots of big brands use the words “oatmeal” & “sensitive skin” as a gimmick, where in fact the ingredients in these products can cause skin sensitivity.
We love this list of ingredients to avoid if you’re looking for a guide of where to start.
The Stinky Beasties Charcoal Shampoo Bar contains no nasties and has been extensively tested on all smells imaginable (including that nasty fox poo!) It helps to relieve itchy skin and brighten all colours of coats. And the great thing about this bar is due to the natural ingredients, if you need to give your dog a quick rinse in a river before your dog jumps back into the car, you won’t be adding any contaminants into the water, or cause any damage to the wildlife! fe!
Look after their paws & nose
Dog’s paws can be just as sensitive to the outside temperatures as our lips, so they need to be well taken care of. Treat them to a good paw balm or even some well-fitting dog boots if they’re really sensitive.
You can also help keep their snout in great shape by applying a nose balm or some organic coconut oil (although most dogs will have a great time licking this off so it won’t last long!)
We also spoke to local award-winning Glasgow groomers, Bark & Bath. We asked owner Steph for her best tips on how you can get the best, shiniest coat for your dog, and here’s what she had to say:
Pay attention to grooming
Communicate and listen to your groomer, as dog grooming is so much more than keeping your dog looking well-groomed. We are here to help and will advise you as best we can through brushing demonstrations, advising on appropriate tools to use, the best grooming schedule for your dog, you name it!
Ask us… not your neighbour or your breeder (sorry but it’s true, most groomers will tell you that breeders give bad coat management advice!)
Protect your pet’s skin
It’s super important to make sure your dog is regularly protected from ticks, fleas and worms. Without these remedies your dog will be more prone to irritated skin, triggering scratching and biting.
Moisturise their skin
It’s very important to keep your dogs skin properly moisturised. Ask your groomer what treatments they are using on your dog and ask that they be conditioned as well as shampooed. Their skin needs nourishment even more so than we do, as they’re constantly exposed to the elements.
Health checks
Get into a routine of seeing your vet for check-ups. A dog’s coat is a book of knowledge; it can tell us so much about what’s happening to your pet. Changes in colour, texture or even greasy hair can signify that there may be an issue, externally or internally. Never ignore the smallest changes in your dog’s coat - it could be the first sign of a health issue.
Nutrition is key
One of the most important ways of looking after your dog’s coat and skin is through healthy nutrition. Your dog’s hair is made up mainly of protein, so a good diet of protein-rich foods and essential fatty acids is excellent for improving your dog’s coat health.
This is why we’re so passionate at McDug that all of our recipes, across our whole range, have high levels of responsibly-sourced and minimally processed protein - all so your dog can feel healthy within, and shine with health on the outside. We even have tasty skin & coat treats to give that extra boost!
If you’ve read the McDug story you’ll know that we started because we strongly believe that there should be clean, grain-free and nutritious food available for dogs. But we also know that as important as it is to be mindful of what you put in to your dog, you also want to be conscious of what you put on your canine pal.
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